Back pain, lumbago, sciatica (sciatalgia) or shoulder and neck pain - there are many possible causes.
Symptoms such as back pain, leg pain, neck pain radiating into shoulder-arm pain or migraine-like headaches originating from the cervical spine can have many causes. In most cases, myofascial pain, i.e. pain from the muscles (so-called myogelosis or trigger points) or the fascial tissue, is the underlying cause. This myofascial pain is usually caused by a functional disorder, i.e. a vertebral blockage, a blockage of the SI joint with pelvic misalignment and functional leg length discrepancy or another joint blockage. However, nerve irritation due to a slipped disc, degenerative changes in the form of osteoarthritis in the small facet joints (spondylathrosis), neuroforaminal stenosis or spinal canal stenosis are also possible causes.
However, a painful back that feels ill may also be caused by much more serious triggers. For example, such symptoms can also indicate an infected disc space (spondylodiscitis), a spinal tumour or a disease of the internal organs, including a heart attack (typically with left-sided shoulder-arm pain).
As the potential triggers are extremely wide-ranging, it is important to have a precise, well-founded diagnostic assessment, for which you need to take sufficient time, listen carefully to the patient and examine them very thoroughly. In our holistic private practice in Freiburg, I can guarantee you this by combining my conventional medical specialism in orthopaedics and trauma surgery with my extensive training in alternative medicine and osteopathy.
Back pain and neck pain tend to become chronic
As statistical analyses show, disturbing and stressful symptoms such as back pain, neck pain, tension in the shoulder/neck/girdle and back with strain-dependent pain in the spine and radiating pain down to the buttocks/leg or shoulder/arm are very widespread ailments.
Over 80% of the population are affected at some point in their lives.
The main cause should not be underestimated as the lack of exercise in today's industrialised society and the amount of sitting involved in certain professional activities. Just think of people who spend the whole day sitting at a PC at work, putting a permanent, very one-sided strain not only on their back but also on their shoulders, neck and upper arms.
No wonder that back pain becomes chronic in around 20 to 30 % of those affected over the years.

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The far-sighted treatment of back pain must be based on prevention and early therapy
Due to the very frequent chronification of this widespread disease, back pain should be combated before it is too late. The most important thing is, of course, to prevent it through targeted regular exercise and maintaining the mobility of the spine, but also not to take existing back pain "lightly", but to treat it early and sustainably. In our orthopaedic-osteopathic practice, we offer you in-depth advice and specialist medical support from an interdisciplinary network of back specialists from a wide range of professional groups, starting with a thorough examination and diagnosis.
The holistic approach is crucial: this is what I can guarantee as an experienced orthopaedist and osteopath
Our practice is characterised by a holistic medical approach to back pain and neck problems. At our practice, the sound expertise of orthopaedic conventional medicine works seamlessly with naturopathic and complementary medical knowledge and is supplemented by a partner network of physiotherapists and trainers to help you on the way to restoring your health. This comprehensive medical perspective has proven itself in numerous successful treatments for our patients.
Based on individual findings, we are there to treat you specifically for a slipped disc, spinal canal stenosis, lumbago, painful irritation of the sciatica, an SI joint blockage with pelvic misalignment and leg length discrepancy, cervical spine syndrome with atlas blockage or many other types of spinal pain.
We primarily use mobilising manual therapy and osteopathic techniques in the treatment of back pain and neck problems, which can be complemented very well with acupuncture. This can harmonise, alleviate and usually eliminate numerous functional disorders.
If your back, neck, head and shoulder complaints are caused by a combination of other functional dysfunctions or sources of interference, we can detect these in our orthopaedic and osteopathic practice using our alternative medical and osteopathic diagnosis and therapy methods and treat them in a targeted manner. In order to achieve lasting therapeutic success.
Another focus is the treatment of muscular and fascial imbalances or trigger points using extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) in a radial and focused manner, as well as the myofascial harmonisation of superficial muscle and fascia layers with the help of the very pleasant and relaxing vibration massage (V-Actor)
The therapeutic spectrum, which we customise for you, can also include classic orthopaedic methods such as infiltrations, physiotherapy, medical strengthening therapy and/or exercise training.